Saturday, November 10, 2012


Cell Therapy

The human body contains some four trillion cells, all of which arise after conception from one unified cell through multiple cycles of division. This process of cellular renewal continues throughout life, as old and weak cells are replaced by new ones. In healthy young individuals the division of cells takes place regularly in an energetic and balanced bio-terrain. However, as we grow older, this process begins to slow down. Improper nutrition with large amounts of animal fat, processed sugars, food additives, a decrease in consumption of biologically grown vegetables, life styles with heavy smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, an overall increase in stress due to our fast-paced lives, pollution with carcinogenic solvents, heavy metals and pesticides tend to suppress this renewal process even more. As a result, we tend to age prematurely and can fall ill with chronic degenerative diseases or even cancer.

Cell therapy offers an opportunity to treat many degenerative diseases caused by premature cell death or malfunction of specific cell types and the body’s failure to replace or restore them. At present, complete recovery from organ malfunction or failure requires transplant surgery.

In most cases, incurable degenerative diseases are normally treated by alleviating symptoms, or delaying an onset of further degeneration.

In cellular therapy, cells or extracts of foetal tissue are administered via intramuscular injection into the human body for therapeutic purposes. These cells are then broken down into their basic elements (enzymes, polypeptides, deoxyribonucleic acids, ribonucleic acids and other basic organic substances) and reused by the cells, tissues and organs of the person treated. The fundamental theory behind organ extract and cell therapy is the principle ‘Similia Similibus’ or ‘Like Cures Like’, as stated by Paracelsus, a Swiss physician and philosopher of the 16th century.Paracelsus and many other early physicians believed that the best way to rebuild or revitalise ill organs or ageing tissue was to use healthy living cells of the same tissue type. Modern organ extract and cell therapy refers to treatment by injection with cellular elements and whole cells from healthy unborn or foetal sheep or calves specially bred for medical purposes under a controlled environment.

Cell therapy aims to awaken dormant cells within the human body, thereby stimulating the growth and function of existing tissue and repairing or regenerating old and malfunctioning cells. Cellular therapy offers what vitamins, minerals and other conventional or natural treatments cannot. It can provide the exact components necessary for injured or diseased tissue to heal and regenerate. While most pharmaceutical drugs work by suppressing certain symptoms over a short period of time and only for as long as they are taken, cell therapy stimulates the body’s own healing and revitalising powers and exerts a long term effect.


As we grow older, the rate at which our cells die is no longer proportionate to our cell reproduction. At such, the quality of our new cells begins to deplete, which then consequently leads to organ inefficiency. When organs are weak and are not functioning in its optimum ability, it can have a negative effect on our nervous, endocrine or digestive functions.

Factors such as these tend to further accelerate the process of cell death, and eventually decrease the rate at which cells reproduce:

* Improper nutrition with too large amounts of animal fat;
* Processed sugars;
* Food additives and too little of biological grown vegetables;
* Life styles with heavy smoking;
* Excessive alcohol consumption and overall increased stress of our fast-pace
* Increased pollution with carcinogenic solvents; and
* Heavy metals and

Here, at Lab Dom Suisse Inc, we take pride and highlight three (3) of our major treatment options available to our patients to fight the effects of ageing and chronic degenerative diseases.

1. RNA Therapy
2. Placenta Therapy
3. Cell Therapies

RNA, Placenta and Cell Therapies are means by which one can improve and enhance from cellular function. Each of these therapies has the ability to target specific organs, which can support and aid in the regeneration or rejuvenation of organ function.


One should be aware that there are many manufacturers of rejuvenation products on the marketplace today. Some of them are scrupulous in their choice of methods to compete. In particular, they often compromise with regard to product quality, sterility, and safety to maximise profit. Some of them even go so far as to add certain synthetic drugs (hormones, growth factors, even amphetamines) to their product without declaration. This might help those companies to better compete with obvious “quick results” using their products, but it certainly is not beneficial to the patient (in some instances it might be outright dangerous!) and it is definitely illegal. Remember, there is no ‘quick fix’ for general rejuvenation or chronic degenerative diseases. Natural tissue repair with organ extract- and cell therapy takes time. Make sure your product choice is correct.

As with any injection, there may be redness, swelling, and local pain at the implantation site. In this event, cool moist compresses and oral pain medication should be of benefit. Acute allergic reactions with fresh frozen or freeze dried preparations are exceedingly rare, and usually manageable with antihistaminic drugs.

Therapy with cells or organ extract should be avoided in the presence of a severe allergic disposition, acute infection, or inflammation. It is up to the physician’s discretion if the patient is in optimum condition for cellular or organ extract therapy. Causes for exclusion from organ extract and cell therapy include recent cardiac or cerebral infarction, bleeding tendencies, illicit drug use, alcoholism, ongoing chemotherapy, severe liver cirrhosis, dental amalgam toxicity, or severe kidney failure.

Despite any demands for treatment, the physician has the sole right to withhold therapy if he/she judges a beneficial effect improbable, the patient to be at increased risk, or incapable of following instructions. Organ extract and cell therapy is not a miracle, panacea, or cure all - no permanent assurances of a disease free, uncomplicated status can be implied from any discussions or due diligence readings.

Almost 80 years of experience has shown that sheep are the best donor animals because they are vital, hardy animals with natural disease resistance. Sheep proteins are particularly compatible with the human body and trigger virtually no immune defence reactions. MFIII uses only certified closed colony sheep of 40 generations from pollution-free environment in northen Germany.

Over the past 78 years, three distinctive types of organ extract and cell therapy have evolved: Therapy with fresh organ extract or live cells, fresh frozen organ extracts or cells and lyophilised organ extracts or cells. Today, all three forms of cell therapy are often incorrectly referred to as ‘Live Cell’ therapy. In the strict sense of the meaning however, live cell therapy is rarely practiced today.

Organ extract or cellular preparations for therapeutic use does not contain any allopathic drug admixtures and is completely free of preservatives. It may be used only under the direction of a physician.

Safety and Effectiveness of Cell Therapy 

As organ extract and cellular therapy preparations have very low antigenicity; they are not readily recognized as foreign by the recipient’s immune system. Niehans’ proven theory states that foetal cells circulate from the site of injection until they recognize and congregate at the human counterpart organ (liver cells go to the liver, reproductive organ cells go to the reproductive organs, heart cells go the heart, etc.). These young cells, which are functionally organ specific but not species specific, imprint their vigour upon old, tired, and degenerating cells, stimulating them to function with renewed efficiency. The organ itself then retains its vigour and vitality.

“Maintain the vitality of Youth, Yesterday’s
Dream and Today’s Reality” 

- Prof. Dr. Vladimir Filatov -   

Fresh Frozen Range in Live Form

Types available :
      or sheep form)
3. FRESH FROZEN CELL [FFC] (in sheep form)

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Tujuan rawatan ini ialah membolehkan tubuh membakar lemak dengan efektif dan menghapuskan kesan yo yo diet yang sering melanda masyarakat kita yang sedang cuba mendapatkan berat badan ideal. Akibat corak pemakanan yang sering mencabar sistem penghadaman, menyebabkan kitaran anabolic dan katabolic tidak seimbang. Ia menjadi rosak dan menyebabkan lemak cenderung untuk berkumpul dan tidak mudah pecah. Selepas rawatan anda akan mendapat tubuh badan yang di idamkan selama ini, berat badan ideal, terasa lebih bertenaga dan segar. Berjumpalah pakar kesihatan kami untuk mendapatkan nasihat.
Jangka Masa rawatan adalah 3 bulan
Target rawatan ialah mendapatkan berat badan ideal yang berkekalan (Permanent weight loss)
Diet tidak berkesan tanpa terapi yang meningkatkan metabolic.
Kesan-Kesan Enzyme Therapy System
1. Mereka yang berdiet tidak merasa lapar atau memuncak selera makan
2. Keinginan untuk makan menurun dan tidak lahap untuk makan meskipun berpuasa
3. Peningkatan metabolic membuatkan mereka selesa dala kehidupan seharian.
4. Tidur berkualiti.
5. Pergerakan usus lebih baik dan mudah membuang air besar.
6. Kuku kelihatan merah dan tidak pucat.
7. Kadar tekanan menurun
8. Masalah kulit dan funges sembuh
9. Tidak merasa kebas
10. Kadar keletihan berkurangan
11. Rasa mengantuk berkurangan.
12. Lebih focus pada aktiviti  seharian
13. Kurang masalah kerap kencing terutama selepas makan berat
14. Lebih tenang dan tidak cepat marah
15. Tenaga yang lebih baik
16. Lebih gembira dalam aktiviti seharian.


Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections are used to relax the muscles which allow wrinkles to disappear or prevent wrinkles from forming. The most common area that anti-wrinkle injections are used are in the brow, between the eyebrows for ‘scowl lines’ and for the ‘crow’s feet’ around the eyes. Anti-wrinkle injections are also used to control hyperactive sweat glands, hyperhydrosis, headaches and blepharospasm or twitching of the eyes.

What are anti-wrinkle injections?
Anti-wrinkle injections involve a series of small injections into muscle. The injection is a chemical produced by the bacteria clostridium Botulinum. Its most common use in cosmetic medicine is to weaken muscles, which are contributing towards the formation of wrinkles, for example on the brow or around the eyes. The reduced facial movement allows the skin to rejuvenate with a reduction in wrinkle formation. Depending on the skin condition, pre-existing wrinkles may fade.
How long do they last?
Weakening of the injected muscles begins to be apparent after 2-3 days with the peak effect being reached after 7 days. Results can last 4-7 months when the procedure can be repeated if desired.
Advantages of anti-wrinkle injections
This is an effective non-surgical alternative for the treatment and prevention of selected wrinkling of the face.
Alternative treatments
Alternative forms of non-surgical and surgical management for the appearance of wrinkles and lines in the skin consist of treatment with injectable fillers (such as Non-permanent injectibles), skin resurfacing (laserbrasion/dermabrasion/chemical peels) or facial rejuvenation surgery such as facelifting, browlifting, or eyelid surgery.

Microdermabrasion ialah tindakan abrasi lapisan kulit paling atas dengan menggunakan Kristal halus atau bubuk organic. Lapisan kulit yang diabrasi adalah lapisan tanduk (horny layer), kulit ari yang kering dan sel kulit mati, dengan menggunakan Kristal Cor®. Prosedur perawatan ini akan merangsang produksi sel sel baru pada lapisan paling bawah (basal layer) dari dermis. 

Prosedur perawatan mikrodermabrasi ini mudah, sangat terjangkau dan aman bagi semua jenis kulit, memberikan hasil wajah yang lebih segar dan tampak awet muda. Hasil yang didapatkan relative permanen, dapat dihentikan dan tidak menimbulkan ketergantungan.

Mikrodermabrasi telah dipakai secara luas untuk mengatasi kelainan kulit, seperti :

Mengecilkan pori pori yang membesar sehingga kulit akan menjadi lebih halus.
Mengurangi kadar minyak pada kulit yang berlebihan.
Menghilangkan luka bekas jerawat, mencegah pembentukan jerawat kembali.
Menghilangkan selulit (countour strech mark).
Mengurangi atau bahkan menghilangkan keriput, kerutan kulit halus, flek coklat, belang keputihan pada kulit, mencegah penuaan dini dengan merangsang
Regenerasi jaringan kolagen.
Mengangkat sel kulit mati, membersihkan dan memperhalus tekstur kulit.

Anda akan melihat perubahan terus berlangsung secara bertahap selama perawatan dilakukan. Mikrodermabrasi dilakukan kira kira setiap 7 – 10 hari sekali. Dan setelah 4 – 6 kali sesi perawatan, akan mulai terlihat hasil yang signifikan. Kulit anda akan terlihat lebih halus, bersih, cerah dan warna kulit yang lebih rata. Hasil yang maksimal akan dirasakan jika anda mengikuti program ini secara berkala.
Dengan mikrodermabrasi, pertumbuhan lapisan kulit baru dirangsang dengan proses yang berulang ulang sampai dicapai tingkat kekenyalan alami kolagen dan elastin dalam kulit yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan penampilan kulit anda.

Treatment Placenta

Fungsi Suntik Placenta
Placenta mengandung setiap nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk menstimulasi pertumbuhan sel.  Fungsi umum placenta adalah sebagai berikut:
Mendorong rejuvinasi sel dan menguatkan fungsi organ dalam
Menstimulasi produksi darah
Menormalkan kerja hormon
Meningkatkan pertumbuhan kelenjar susu dan meningkatkan produksi susu
Mendorong pertumbuhan bayi
Menyembuhkan luka dan mempercepat pembentukan serum
Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah
Meningkatkan fungsi pembuangan

Efek terapi suntik placenta dibawah ini telah dibuktikan secara klinis:
Mengembalikan kemudaan dan mencegah penuaan dini
Mencegah pengerasan liver
Mencegah pembentukan ruam dan bintik wajah
Melindungi dari kurang darah
Menormalkan gangguan biologis
Membantu penyembuhan diabetes
Membantu proses penyembuhan pada saat dan setelah sakit
Meningkatkan penyembuhan pada membrane kulit dan luka
Membantu meringankan kaki dingin
Membantu meringankan masalah ginjal
Membantu meringankan hipertensi
Membantu meringankan peradangan pada perut dan usus dua belas jari
Membantu meringankan penyakit gusi
Membantu meringankan sembelit
Menghilangkan bau badan
Memperkuat tubuh
Meningkatkan gairah sex dan mencegah impotensi
Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit
Mencegah Peradangan kulit
Mencegah alergi

Friday, November 2, 2012


Ozon dikenalpasti sebagai satu terapi perubatan yang amat selamat tanpa kesan sampingan.
Selain digunakan untuk mengubati penyakit, terapi ini amat berguna untuk tujuan pencegahan pelbagai penyakit
Ozon sangat berkesan merawat penyakit kardiovaskular dan penyakit serebrovaskular. Dia amat berkesan dan segera melancarkan perjalanan darah ke otak. Sangat berkesan untuk pesakit yang mengalami angin akhmar, pendarahan otak atau stroke.
Ozon digunakan bagi tujuan rejuvenasi dan anti penuaan. Selain menyumbang kepada pemulihan hormon-hormon yang tidak seimbang. Pesakit kanser, tumor mungkin tidak perlu melalui pembedahan besar, radioterapi atau kemoterapi.
Penggunaan ozon dalam rawatan adalah tidak merbahaya, tidak menyakitkan dan tiada risiko jangkitan kerana seluruh proses adalah sterile.

Angin ahmar atau strok ialah masalah kesihatan yang diakibatkan oleh salur darah tersumbat dan bekalan darah ke sebahagian otak diganggu. Bahagian otak tersebut tidak lagi menerima oksigen yang mencukupi dan oleh itu, sel-sel otak akan rosak atau mati, dan mengakibatkan bahagian badan yang dikuasai oleh bahagian otak itu tidak berfungsi.
Punca angin ahmar termasuk kelanjutan umur, darah tinggi, kencing manis, kolesterol tinggi, dan merokok.
Rawatan Ozon adalah satu kaedah perubatan moden yang paling sesuai untuk mengubati dan mencegah penyakit angin ahmar.